Tasleem’s Journey with Adult and Hormonal Acne: Finding Solutions and Self-Love


Adult acne is a topic that’s not discussed enough. Many of us think acne is something we leave behind in our teenage years, only to be surprised by breakouts later in life. This was the case for Tasleem, who began her journey with hormonal acne at the age of 30. Her experience is a testament to the struggles and triumphs many face when dealing with adult acne.

The Unexpected Onset

Tasleem’s acne journey began at the most inconvenient time. Life was already challenging, and then hormonal acne added to the stress. “When I turned 30 at the beginning of this year, I developed hormonal acne,” she recalls. This unexpected skin issue was a source of frustration and confusion, leading her to try numerous skincare products, each one promising clear skin but delivering little to no results.

The Financial Strain

Like many dealing with persistent acne, Tasleem tried every serum and moisturiser she could find, which wasn’t great for her bank balance. The constant purchasing of new products, hoping for a miracle cure, was both financially and emotionally draining. It was a struggle that many can relate to—investing time and money into products that ultimately disappoint.

Discovering Acne.org.za

In her quest for a solution, Tasleem came across acne.org.za. Initially sceptical, she was drawn to the site because of its offer of free consultations with skin specialists. This was a turning point. The consultation process was simple and informative. “I skedaddled onto the website, had an appointment with a skin specialist via Zoom, and it was so informative,” she shares.

The skin specialist wasn’t there to sell products but to empower Tasleem with knowledge about her skin. This approach was refreshing and provided her with insights into the importance of protecting her skin barrier and nourishing her skin from within.

The Transformation

Armed with new knowledge and a simplified skincare routine, Tasleem made her first purchase from acne.org.za. The results were remarkable. “My skin went from kabonkles and passiness, waking up every morning with a new dot on my face, to clear and healthy,” she says. Her routine included a cleanser, a specific formula for acne spots with natural ingredients, and a moisturiser, along with consistent use of SPF.

The transformation wasn’t just skin-deep. It boosted her confidence and was a testament to the effectiveness of finding the right products and sticking to a consistent routine.

A Message of Self-Love and Honesty

Tasleem’s story is not just about finding a solution for her acne. It’s about normaliz\sing the conversation around adult acne and being honest about what works and what doesn’t. “Firstly, it’s completely normal, and it’s just skin, which means it is treatable,” she emphasises.

Her journey highlights the importance of self-love and patience. Acne does not reflect one’s worth, and finding the right solution takes time and persistence. Tasleem’s experience with acne.org.za shows that sometimes, the best approach is a simple, consistent routine with effective products.


Tasleem’s journey with adult and hormonal acne is a story of struggle, discovery, and triumph. It’s a reminder that adult acne is more common than we think and that finding the right solution can lead to significant improvements not only in our skin but also in our self-confidence. By sharing her story, Tasleem hopes to encourage others to talk more about their skin issues, try out solutions that work for them, and most importantly, love themselves through it all.

If you’re struggling with adult acne, know that you’re not alone. There are solutions out there, and with patience and the right approach, clear skin is achievable. Remember, it’s not just about the products; it’s about understanding your skin, being consistent with your routine, and embracing self-love every step of the way.

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