12 possible acne cures in your kitchen cupboard
Everyone who has acne dreams of a fast and cheap cure or remedy. Rumour has it that some of these things in your kitchen cupboards
Everyone who has acne dreams of a fast and cheap cure or remedy. Rumour has it that some of these things in your kitchen cupboards
The link between diet and acne has been hotly debated over decades. As acne has many different causes, it is difficult to pin one down
The link between acne and diet is currently still being investigated, but it does appear from several studies that certain foods can spike blood sugar
There are two types of prescription medication for the treatment of acne: topical treatments, which are applied directly to the affected skin, and oral medication,
Most people try over-the-counter products initially when acne becomes a problem for the first time. These products do not need a prescription from a doctor,
Acne comes in all shapes and sizes: it can range from small blackheads to painful nodules and cysts. The severity of the outbreak, to a large extent, determines the choice of treatment, which can range from mild over-the counter (OTC) treatments to prescriptions from a skin specialist.
Few people are left with acne scarring as teenage pimples clear. But for some people who have acne cysts and nodules, not everything clears when
Prebiotics, the secret ingredient that makes our acne treatment so gentle on your skin. Some say it’s mystical, others say it’s a coincidence, but it
Acne.org.za offers prescription-strength acne treatment with Benzoyl Peroxide, Hyaluronic Acid and Pre-biotics for your visible and hidden acne infections. Acne.org.za works to cure your acne
We’ve been taught since a young age to be taking our multivitamins daily as they are a good source of vitamins and minerals. In most